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Nicholas Tse buys Rolls Royce for father

There's no one else who can celebrate Father's Day like Nicholas Tse does. After it was reported that he sold Patrick Tse's house and rented a more expensive home, the actor continued his lavish spending for his father by buying him a new luxury car.

According to Groove Asia website, the 33-year-old actor bought a new Rolls Royce, estimated at a price of USD 647,000 for the 77-year-old veteran actor, and forked out another USD 26,027 to buy an exclusive license plate number.

In addition to that, it was reported that the Rolls Royce also comes with a chauffeur to drive Patrick around.

When asked about the lavish gifts his son gave him, Patrick, who was seen in central Hong Kong recently, commented, "I am very happy with it, but an amount of retirement fund is missing!" - hinting light-heartedly that Nicholas might not have given him his monthly allowance recently due to the purchase.

Asked if he would be taking his two grandsons, Lucas and Quintus for a ride in his new car, Patrick enthused, "Of course. In fact, I had just taken them out to play the day before. They are big boys now and no longer cause any trouble. [Former daughter-in-law] Cecilia has taught them good."
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