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Twitter 5.56.0 APK

The Twitter team have rolled out an update to its popular social app, introducing  a Quote Retweet feature, you can get it from the Google Play Store today. This new version is better than the older one, the new feature allows you see the embedded tweet and a space to add a comment with over 100 characters left to share your intricate thoughts. You can download Twitter 5.54.0 APK from the below of the post.

Twitter 5.54.0 APK

A really fun way to make friends and see stories, Twitter lets you connect with people, express yourself with text, photos, and video, and you can discover more about all the things you love. Twitter is for people that can converse with people they don't know.

Twitter for Android is a must have app for all those twitter fans out there. Be sure to check out the update for this app on the Play Store. As mentioned above, we also provide you a link to download that .apk file to install it successfully on Android operating system.

Have you just downloaded? What do you think of this newly released update and do you like the changes Twitter has made to its Android app with cool new support for embedded retweets?

Download Twitter 5.54.0 APK
Requires Android: 2.3+
File size: 15MB

Download APK
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Ditulis oleh: MemurSite.Com -

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