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MiniDrivers v2.8 Game Apk

MiniDrivers - Enjoy three different game modes, like the Tournament that will make you show that you’re the best driver. The season mode will allow you become the 2015 MiniDrivers World Champion and the online tournament that will allow you to show everyone that you’re the best driver with the weekly challenges against your friends around the world. Also you can enjoy the chapter of your favorite cartoons and see all the chapters from our app.
Race on the 20 most known tracks of the series full of details and surprises that will shock you with the full grid for this 2015 season of MiniDrivers. Will you be able to beat Minicedes with your favorite driver? Now you can do it! Change the story and specially… Change the rules!
Realistic graphics adapted to all the devices. Also you will be able to change the amount of detail. You will see everything!
Realistic physics for the most exigent drivers with an arcade handling for the little ones. All the people can race at MiniDrivers the videogame! But don’t forget to upgrade your car if you want to be on top and beat your rivals.
To enjoy as much as you can the game we offer the game completely free with inApp purchases that are optional. Put your seatbelt and press the acceleration because the championship has started!

What's New Updated April 2, 2015
- More options to customize the camera view.
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements.
MiniDrivers - screenshot MiniDrivers - screenshot 
DOWNLOAD OBB  78mb 2.3+
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