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Root Uninstaller Pro v7.6 Apk

Don't like stock or system applications? It's for you. This application will freeze pre-installed applications on your phone and a lot of.

*** If your phone doesn't root, suggest to use my "App Tyrant" app ***

Very fast and easy uninstaller tool on single click for uninstalling each SYSTEM and REGULAR applications.

For ROOT+NAND unfastened devices
☆ Uninstall system applications
☆ Freeze or disable bloatware, stock and regular applications (keep updates)☆ dethaw or alter applications (Free trial or PRO)
☆ Backup system application .apk to sdcard (that will put in later)
☆ Restore protected applications
☆ Reset applications to recent install state
☆ Delete definitively system applications
☆ Hide my App: launch a frozen app and mechanically re-freeze on app closing (Pro solely, faucet on Launch->Freeze button )
☆ Explore application information folder, code folder (ex. edit preferences, want AntTek File Explorer)

For NON-ROOT devices
☆ fast APK list to indicate all obtainable .APK files on SDCard
☆ Keep Market reference and may restore once manufacturing plant reset/change devices
☆ Manage to clear information, cache (manually)
☆ Manage .apk files: delete, install, install as a system app (PRO)
☆ Single click to uninstall a listed applications (Batch uninstall).
☆ fast load application list
☆ show application name, icon, package name
☆ Exclude system applications (that you'll not uninstall)
Filter by third-party applications, system applications, applications on sdcard. backup applications or frozen applications
☆ Support massive screen (ex. tablet) views
☆ Explore application information folder, code folder (ex. edit preferences, want AntTek File Explorer)

Trial on Free version :
☆ thrice to dethaw or restore apps for free of charge version

☆ check that you app is granted by SuperUser
☆ If you CANN'T freeze/defrost, try and alter USB Debugging (HOME/Settings/Application/Development/USB Debugging)
☆ If you CANN'T restore backup app, try and "find apps on Coyote State card" then long-press the app and choose "install as system app".
☆ This application uses SDCARD to store information
☆ professional and FREE version area unit absolutely compatible

What's New Updated March 25, 2015
Fix backup filename issue on Lollipop

Root Uninstaller Pro - screenshot Root Uninstaller Pro - screenshot
Root Uninstaller Pro - screenshot Root Uninstaller Pro - screenshot

DOWNLOAD NOW 1,5mb 2.0.1+
Get it On GPlay
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UYARI:Sitemiz kişileri bilgilendirme amacıyla hazırlanmıştır, sağlık hizmeti vermemektedir. sitedeki bilgi hataları, eksiklikleri, ve gecikmelerinden doğabilecek maddi ve/veya manevi risk ve zararlardan sitemiz sorumlu değildir.Bu programların içeriği ve kullanımı ile ilgili tüm riskler, oluşabilecek maddi manevi tüm zararlar kullanıcının sorumluluğundadır. Ayrıca hat ve/veya sistem arızaları sebebi ile meydana gelebilecek hata, kesinti, bilgi naklinde gecikme ve bilgisayar/telefon virüsüne bağlı problemlerden ve sair sebeplerden kaynaklanabilecek doğrudan veya dolaylı maddi ve manevi zarar ve masraflardan, önceden haber verilmiş olunsa bile, sitemiz sorumlu tutulamaz. Yayınlamış olduğumuz paylaşımların tamamı sitemiz dışındaki kaynaklardan alınarak sizlerle buluşturulmuştur , bu nedenle sitemizde hiçbir paylaşım kaynağı yoktur. Sitemizden yayınlanan video ve benzeri paylaşımlar tamamen sosyal video paylaşım , (halka açık) sitelerden alınmıştır , paylaşımlardan doğabilecek sorunlar, kesinlikle SİTEMİZE ait değildir (sitemizi bağlamaz).
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