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Rihanna Disses Beyoncé For Her 'Frightful Behavior'

The BeyHive is buzzing today, after RiRi apparently took a shot at the R&B icon on Instagram!

Rihanna took a dig at Beyoncé this weekend — it was really more of a sub-diss if you want to get technical — by liking a picture on Instagram that essentially criticized B’s entire image of
self-proclaimed royalty. Allow us to explain.
RiRi clicked “like” on the following picture-quote by Garbage singer Shirley Manson:
“A lot of celebrities just want money, fame, power, fancy cars, houses all over the world and have people bow down to them. To me, that’s frightful behavior.”thumbnail

Shirley Manson’s History Of Dissing Beyoncé

Though fans are debating whether or not the quote is actually a dig at Beyoncé, it wouldn’t be the first time Shirley has called the singer into question.
During an April 2013 interview with the UK’s Guardian, Shirley discussed Beyoncé’s decision to “restrict” the photographs being taken of her to avoid “unflattering” images in the media. Here’s what Shirley said:
Who knows what her motivations were, but I am somewhat baffled to even begin to understand why this unstoppable force, this incredible performer, this fully empowered business woman and successful star has allowed herself to be flapped by what the media has deemed ‘unflattering’ images.
It seems that, while Shirley fully respects Beyoncé as an artist, she isn’t afraid to question her occasional decisions — which seems to be exactly what Rihanna has done, as well.
What do YOU think, HollywoodLifers? Did Rihanna subtly diss Beyoncé on Instagram, or is this all one big misunderstanding? Choose your side below, then drop a comment with your take on the Rihanna-Beyoncé debacle!
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