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Syberia 2 v1.0.1 APK

Syberia 2 (Full)
Following Syberia's resounding success with players throughout the world, Benoît Sokal invites you to dive back into the crazy Kate Walker saga…

Having searched Europe from east to west for the presumed late Hans Voralberg, Kate Walker finally tracks him down and gets him to sign the automaton factory buyout papers.
Mission accomplished? Not for this young New York lawyer...
Forming an unlikely duo, Kate Walker and the old, eccentric Hans Voralberg are now setting off on a journey in search of a long-forgotten world, home to the last of the fabled Syberian mammoths. Together, they take up the impossible quest that Hans first embarked upon years ago, making their way through the hostile environments with courage and determination.

Against all odds, a mystical Syberia awaits their arrival...

  • The final chapter of the captivating and original story created by Benoît Sokal.
  • An epic adventure on the edge of the world of dreams and imagination.
  • Stunning imagery, intense action and tangible emotion at every twist and turn of the game.
  • Even more unusual and intriguing characters.
  • More-frequent movie sequences integrated into the storyline.
Required Android O/S : 4.0+

Screenshots :
Syberia 2 (Full) - screenshot
Syberia 2 (Full) - screenshot
Syberia 2 (Full) - screenshotSyberia 2 (Full) - screenshotSyberia 2 (Full) - screenshot

Download : 5M APK

OBB: cloud.mail (1.4G)
*Use previous version OBB
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