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WiFi Manager Premium v3.5.4 Apk

WiFi Manager ApkFull - Find, connect, manage WiFi networks. Improve connection quality with a graphical channel radar. Discover open networks around you.
Includes home screen widgets: one displays detailed connection info, another lets you switch among your favorite networks with a single tap, and yet another toggles WiFi Access Point.
Can scan for and switch to the best network out of several configured.
New and improved:
• "Material design" widgets (version 3.5).
• A UI redesign (version 3.0): modern looking icons, swiping between list and radar views.
• Assign your own descriptions and icons to individual WiFi networks - never forget what that "XYZ1234" network is;
• Switch among your favorite networks with a single tap by using the WiFi Network Switcher widget. It will even enable WiFi if needed.
• "Best network" to switch between different networks you may have around the house or office (off by default, enable in app settings);
• Automatic switching between fixed and dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses (Android Settings in 2.* can't do this);
Some features require that you purchase the $1.75 premium package, available right in the application through Google Checkout (safe, secure).
These features are: advanced per-network options (description, icon, IP address), the one-tap network widget, and two widget themes inspired by Android 5.* (Material Design, since version 3.5).
All the other - essential - features are free: the widget with detailed connection info (four sizes, two free themes), scanning and connecting to networks, the network list view, the network signal radar.

What's New Updated April 3, 2015
Widget layout fixes for Android 2.*.
Two new widget styles, "material design" like. The two "holo" widget styles are now free.
Android 5.*: Native Material theme, fixed static IP and proxy settings.
WiFi Manager - screenshot WiFi Manager - screenshot 
DOWNLOAD NOW 1,8mb 2.1+
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