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Retrica 2.5 APK

RetricaRetrica has just received a big update to version 2.4, bringing with it a new user interface and a few notable new features in the process. The new Retrica now comes with a new Location watermarks feature allowing you to show where you were. As always, you can download directly the latest APK file here and install it on your Android phone and tablet.

Retrica is one of the best app for photography which make every photo look professional. It is a really good app because it has lots of cool effects. Although if you could have this thing that you can edit pictures from you camera and put Retrica effects on it that would make it better. The filters are so beautiful, and the camera takes good photos that capture fast, and the grids are incredible you can pick from a whole bunch.

If you love taking selfies, then Retrica is for you. You can choose what colour you want, your photo they are hundreds to choose from and this is such a simple but amazing app. You have to download it because if you don't, you are totally missing out on good quality photos.
The new theme to it, it's faster with less lag, and when user takes a selfie, it takes it straight away, not like the old version! Here's the full changelog:
- Fresh new UI design that better suit your Retrica experience
- Extremely fast photo taking experience on Retrica
- Location watermarks that show where you were!

Will you be getting this Retrica update? Check out the app in the Play Store and let us know your thoughts on this latest content update. You can download Retrica 2.4 APK at the link below.

Requires Android: 2.3.3+
Download File: 35MB (Retrica APK)

Yeni Versiyon
Boyut : 36 MB

Retrica Pro Sürüm Apk Full v2.5 Android İNDİR
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